Quick Details

  • Departure:
    Pasamos por usted de personalizada de acuerdo a sus preferencias de hora y lugar de salida en Mérida, Se recomienda comenzar a las 7:30 - 8:00 a.m.
  • Duration:
    10-12 horas aproximadamente hours approximately.
  • Prices:
    Contact us for a personalized quote. Includes entrances to the melipona and european bee apiary (protection suit, candle making workshop and honey tasting), to the boat tour and salt pund. No meals included.


We will visit an apiary in the town of Sinanche, (as an option, we can have breakfast in Motul, place of motuleños egs) later in Sinanche we will be beekeepers for a few hours, we are going to be able to visit Europena and Meliona hives to learn mora about how the bees work and all the products that they produce in the hive. Later we will visit San Crisanto where we will navigate the Ria in a boat to see a great variety of species of birds, crocodiles and fish, the place is beautiful, then we can enjoy the beach and delicious food from the Yucatecan coast. On the way back to merida we will visit ths salt pounds by Xcambo archeologicla site . Full day trip :). Food not included.


Honey production in the Yucatan Peninsula is not a new issue. For centuries, and since the heyday of the Mayan culture, they had the necessary knowledge to take advantage of the ecosystem that surrounded them. One of the most important economic activities in the region was meliponiculture (cultivation of the stingless bee). Honey and wax were extracted to be marketed together with other agricultural crops. The honey that is most consumed in the country comes from the Peninsula (including Yucatán, Campeche and Quintana Roo) and although it sounds surprising, 95% of all production is exported abroad; then the amount of honey exported by the Peninsula is equivalent to 10,000 tons per year.
There are different types of honey that are produced in the region and they can be differentiated according to their flavor and color. And this is due to a very special fact: bees consume the nectar of different flowers or plants; in the state of Yucatán, bees usually take the nectar of 9 different plants.

General Information


Contact us for a personalized quote


El recorrido está a su disposición; Te sugeriremos tiempos de estadía pero al final eso dependerá de ti. No hay prisa :)


Conductor bilingüe (inglés o español). Guía bilingüe y certificado por INAH en inglés o español (si es necesario). Otros idiomas están disponibles con un cargo adicional y bajo petición.


*Kit de servicio de cortesía: agua, repelente de insectos, gel antibacteriano, botiquín de primeros auxilios, toallas, paraguas y obsequio de recuerdo.

Tour HighLights


We are going to visit an apiary in Sinanche that is 1 hour from Merida, they will give us the beekeeping equipment for the tour and they will teach us the activities that one of them normally does, do not miss the opportunity to have a different and unique experience in their kind
Come and enjoy a magical experience, there is nothing more beautiful than enjoying nature with the aroma of honey.

San Crisanto

Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, you will find the town of San Crisanto, a very friendly and cheerful fishing village that will gladly take you on an eco-tourism adventure that they have organized. San Crisanto is a perfect combination of mangroves, beach and relaxation. It has one of the cleanest and least visited beaches. The main tourist activity is a tour that consists of traveling by boat through a series of channels interconnected with cenotes and springs, where you can observe the mangroves, listen to the song of the birds, and see the fish that inhabit the channels that have a 25 centimeters deep and 1.50 meters wide approximately. Then you can enjoy a delicious meal with fresh fish and seafood.


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